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Private Lessons
in Knoxville, TN

Providing transformative training to create amazing, lasting relationships between owners and their dogs.

private dog lesson training

Why Training Your Dog Matters

Communication is the start of your training journey with your dog - and it can be a challenge! Humans and dogs don't normally speak the same language but we both can learn to be more effective communicators. Learning to see the world through the eyes of your dog is a good place to start. After all, your home is now his home. Your family is his pack.


To raise your dog to the level of a truly confident, well-trained and mannerly dog, he will need to know where he stands in the "pack." The leader is the one who keeps order all around, who sets rules, defines borders of behavior, and can be counted on in time of trouble. Survival depends on the leader. It's a big responsibility but your dog is looking for the leader every day. 


Leadership is a love language for your dog. (The good news is that we teach that language!)​

Puppy Program

Private Lessons

Private lessons are a great way to achieve your training goals! In-home sessions are convenient and a great fit for busy families who care about their dog's training. Whether you need Puppy Aptitude Testing, Behavioral evaluations, Problem Solving and/or obedience training - we have you covered.  


Private, in-home lessons are convenient and a great fit for busy families who care about their dog's training. Available at all locations (west & north).


Improve your dog's behavior while managing their behavior with love and leadership.


We offer Puppy Aptitude Testing, Behavioral Evaluations, and Problem Solving.


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Anchor 1
Michele & BJ

Private Dog Lessons


Special Bundle: 3 for $375!

We accept check, cash, or Venmo to wendyscaninetraining.

Chelsea Belcher

Wendy changed our lives. I had almost given up on my beautiful golden boy and was really struggling to know what to do. Wendy gave us back our life with him, and we are so grateful! If you’re on the fence don’t delay! It was the best money I have ever spent on my boy. He has changed dramatically in three sessions and Wendy has endless knowledge and techniques. Highly recommend.

Contact Us!

1946 Kim Watt Drive

Knoxville, TN 37909


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